Cookies Policy
We would like to let you know about the cookies policy in our website, Here is a brief explanation about different types of cookies and how you can manage them.
What are cookies?
A “cookie” is a tiny data file that can be transferred onto your computer or any other device that you use to access websites. These tools play an essential role in the delivery of a variety of services. Among others, cookies allow websites to store and retrieve information on users’ browsing habits in order to customize services accordingly.
Types of cookies
Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and how the data is processed:
- First-party cookies are those sent to the user’s device from equipment or domains managed by the publishers themselves and from which the service is provided.
- Third-party cookies are those sent to the user’s device from equipment or domains that are not managed by the publisher, but by other entities, which handle the data obtained through them. If the cookies are installed from equipment or domains managed by the publisher, but the information collected is managed by a third party, the cookies are not regarded as “own cookies”
According to the length of time that cookies remain active:
- Session cookies are designed to gather and store data and they only remain active until users leave the site and close their browsers. They are commonly used to store information for the provision of the service requested in a single occasion.
- Persistent cookies are used to store data on the user’s device. The data can be accessed and handled for a specific period of time, which may span from several minutes to several years.
According to their purpose:
- Technical cookies are essential and strictly necessary for the website to operate correctly. They enable the user to access the various options and services the website offers. They allow, for instance, traffic monitoring and data communication as well as entry to restricted access sections. They also enable the use of safety elements. Typically, they can temporarily memorise the content inserted while filling out a form and allow the user to return to a previous page during the same session as well as momentarily memorise the items in the shopping cart. They are also used for registration or participation in events. Technical cookies facilitate content storage for the user to be able to show videos or share content through social networks.
- Customisation cookies are typically used to store personal information in order to show user preferences over time such as language, type of browser, regional configuration, etc.
- Analysis cookies allow publishers to monitor and analyse users’ behavior regarding their websites. The information collected through this type of cookies is used for measuring the number of users and for profiling the users’ navigation habits in order to improve the services the website offers.
- Advertising cookies allow the most efficient management of the advertising space.
- Behavioral advertising cookies store information on users’ behavior by tracking their browsing habits. This information helps to develop specific profiles for advertising purposes.
- External social networks cookies are generated so that visitors may interact with the content of the different social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) they belong to. The terms and conditions of use of these cookies as well as the information collected through them are regulated by the privacy policy of the relevant social platform.
How to disable and eliminate cookies
You can enable, block or eliminate cookies by setting up the browser options installed on your computer accordingly. When you disable cookies some services may no longer be operational. Disabling cookies might require different procedures depending on the browser, but it can usually be done from the Tools or Options menu. Instructions can also be found on the browser’s Help menu. Users may, at any time, choose which types of cookies they want to allow or block while surfing our website.
These are the links to the settings of different browsers:
Cookies used in
Next we would like to let you know about the types and functions of the cookies that are being used on our website:
We are using our own cookies both for the proper functioning of the website and to process your information in case you want to contact us through the form included in the “Wishing” section.
We are also allowing Analysis cookies managed by third parties: Google Analytics, in turn managed by Google.
Cookie Policy Consent for
In accordance with current legislation, we presume that you accept the use of cookies while browsing the 4×4 website.
However, we will show you information about our Cookies Policy on the screen of our website every time you log in. By acting on this information you will be able to carry out the following actions:
- Accept cookies: you will not see the warning again when accessing any page of the website for the current session.
- Disable cookies: the warning will be hidden on the current page.
- Change the cookies settings by following the procedure mentioned above.